Nuestras Referencias / References

Podemos proporcionar amplias referencias sobre credibilidad, profesionalismo, rendimiento operacional e integridad comercial. En adición a nuestras capacidades técnicas y fortalezas comerciales, CMA posee la seguridad y el soporte financiero de sus banqueros para realizar negocios a cualquier nivel.

Reference with respect to CMA’s Professional Credibility, Operational Performance, and Commercial Integrity can be provided upon request from principals within ANY of the client companies referred to in this profile. In addition to its technical capabilities and market strengths, CMA has the financial confidence and support of its bankers in pursuing its business at all levels. Key references include:

Sra. Margaret Jones
First Citizens Bank
Sucursal San Juan, Trinidad

Sr. Mario Alfonso
Republic Bank of Trinidad & Tobago Ltd.
Oficina Principal
Port of Spain, Trinidad

Sra.. Michelle Farina
Royal Bank of Trinidad & Tobago Ltd.
Sucursal St. Augustine, Trinidad

Sr. Daniel Lambert
Financial Concepts Ltd.
Port of Spain, Trinidad
(Consultores en Finanzas y Contabilidad)